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3 Costliest Mistakes in the History of Business

The best thing to do in business is to learn from the mistakes of others. Here are three major lessons learned from some of the biggest business blunders to ever occur: Mistake #1: Ignoring their own innovations We all know Xerox, they’re world famous for their document solutions and services. Your company is probably using several of their […]

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How to Use The Innovation Pyramid [4-min Video]

The Innovation Pyramid is the strategy tool that we always use in our strategy and innovation workshops to establish the basics of innovation. Developed through years of research by innovation experts Christian Rangen & Elisabeth Øvstebø, it is very effective in helping the teams develop a bigger picture of what innovation means in their respective companies. […]


Expert Interviews: How 6 Industry Leaders Drive Innovation

The word “innovation” might be an overused buzzword in today’s business world, but there’s no denying that fresh value-creating ideas can open up new revenue streams and customer bases which could determine the future of your company. This is probably why so many companies are scrambling to build an innovative culture. Unfortunately, not all companies have got it […]


18 Inspiring Innovations that Transformed 2016

2016 has been a massive year for innovation. We’re seeing bigger shifts towards clean energy, bolder strides in healthcare innovation, plus lots of really cool stuff that is bound to improve lives in one way or another. Here’re 18 of our favorite innovations of 2016, in no particular order: 1. The World’s First Robot Lawyer Created by 19-year […]